Approx. 0.8 litres of water to 3kg of RAPIDSET REPAIR MORTAR powder or 1 volume of water to 3.5 volume to powder.
ABA repair products react and harden quickly when mixed with water. Thorough mixing in the shortest possible time is essential to ensue a lump free, slump resistant mortar. Always mix the powder into water. The most efficient method of mixing is by using an mixing paddle and a heavy duty electric drill (650 rpm) and mix thoroughly. Do not over-water.
If the mix initially appears dry, continue mixing for a full 2-3 minutes until a creamy, non-slump mortar is achieved. Do not add additional water.
The mixed mortar has a working time of 15-20 minutes at 20°C. This time will be extended in cooler temperatures and reduced at higher temperatures.
For repairs, apply the mortar with a trowel to holes, cracks and damaged areas, ensuring that the mortar “wets” the surface by troweling in firmly, leaving the repair proud. After approx. 15 minutes, trim off excess and finish off with a wet trowel, sponge or sponge float to obtain a smooth surface. For ramps, work the mortar into the prepared substrates with a trowel.
If floor coverings are to be installed, RAPIDSET REPAIR MORTAR must be left for 24 hours. If the product is to be coated, it should be left for 2 days up to 5mm, 5 days up to 10mm, 7 days up to 20mm and 10 days up to 30mm. These times will be shorter in warm conditions and longer in cooler conditions.
NOTE: Exterior installations must be protected from direct sunlight and droughts which could lead to accelerated drying of the surface.
Approx. 1.4 kg powder / mm / m2.